Who We Help

Help is available.
Change is possible.

Who we Help

Training, consultation and supervision that empowers and uplifts.

Macgregor Consulting has become a critical professional development resource for early childhood, family support, women’s refuges and schools.

Since 2007, we have written scores of training programs, presented to thousands of professionals, consulted on hundreds of cases, supervised numerous teams and individuals, coached many educators and guided leaders in rethinking organisational direction and the support needs of staff.

Gaining the skills and confidence to respond to a child from a place of understanding changes everything. Together, with organisations like yours, we’re renewing the dedication of terrific teams and the possibilities of entire communities.


Child Protection

Early Childhood

OSHC Educators

Domestic Violence

Family Support


Natalie Dwyer

Participating in Macgregor Consulting’s trauma training gave the team a deeper understanding of the presentations and impacts of trauma on children’s development. We have seen immense benefit in the implementation of the trauma-informed strategies that we have adopted from the training.

Natalie Dwyer

Mark Katz

Not realizing that children exposed to inescapable, overwhelming stress may act out their pain, that they may misbehave, not listen to us, or seek our attention in all the wrong ways, can lead us to punish these children for their misbehaviour. The behaviour is so wilful, so intentional.

Mark Katz

Allan N. Schore

The future of our societies is in early human life. What human beings learn in their first interactions with other human beings, is central to the formation of self-concept, of self- regulation, of the ability to regulate internal bodily states, of the capacity for empathy, the ability to read the states of the mind of other human beings.

Allan N. Schore

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