Our Services

Discover an entirely new framework to understand the children and families you work with and how you can help them flourish.

Our Programs

Supervision, coaching and training programs


Meeting one-to-one or in small groups to share and reflect on your work experiences can make all the difference in keeping burnout, compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma at bay. In taking this time, we create space for sound decisions, wellbeing and professional development. Most importantly, we nurture and inspire as we identify strengths, celebrate achievements and reflect on professional growth.


Through in-centre and online coaching, we support teams navigating specific challenges, improving their practice and reaching goals in the early learning environment. When coupled with our training sessions, coaching embeds learning and enhances work practice—giving educators the skills and confidence to help children thrive.


Thousands of professionals have gained a whole new framework for understanding the needs of children and families – and skills to respond to these needs – through our evidence-based professional development training.

Emotion Coaching: A Transformational Tool
2 hours

When a child can understand and regulate their own emotions, they have the very tool they need to have better relationships and learning experiences so they can succeed in school and in life. Encompassing Dr. John Gottoman’s Emotion Coaching Model, we recognise the role adults play in supporting a child’s emotional regulation, and how they can respond and teach children this critical skill.

Becoming a Trauma-Informed Service
4 hours

Aims to deepen educators’ understanding of how trauma impacts development—and offers practical strategies to support a child’s self-regulation, impulse control, problem-solving and social skills. Educators enhance their ability to create an environment where children feel safe, secure, included and engaged.

Building Children’s Executive Skills: A Brain-Based Approach
4 hours

Children aren’t born with ‘executive function’ skills such as impulse control, problem-solving, empathy and emotional control; skills which are crucial for successful learning and positive behaviours.  In this program, early childhood educators learn how to use practical strategies drawn from Dr Bruce Perry’s Neurosequential Model to support the development of executive skills and calmer classrooms.

Circle of Security (COS) in the Classroom
12 hours

Guides educators in understanding the critical role of sensitively attuned adult interactions in a child’s learning and growth. Discover how to promote secure attachment relationships with children and foster their development through responsive caregiving.

Guiding Positive Behaviour
16 hours

Supports educators in creating a learning environment that instills feelings of safety and security, and promotes a child’s overall wellbeing and growth. Explore the powerful role that mindset and intention play in responding to a child’s behaviour, emotional needs and potential, and learn practical behaviour support strategies.

Conscious Discipline Study Program
30 hours

Conscious Discipline is one of the most powerful and transformational self-regulation programs that we’ve come across. We’re here as guides, walking alongside your team as they study and begin to put key concepts into practice. As your team delves into waves of invaluable material over 12 months, we come together to discuss, reflect and celebrate successes.

Who We Help

If you work with children and families, we’re here to help you step into lasting change.

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Our People

We do this work because your work uplifts children and families today— and for generations.

Meet Our Team

Our Programs

The tools your teams and their families need to thrive is within reach with our suite of programs.

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Dr Bruce Perry 3

To the newborn, love is action; it is the attentive, responsive, nurturing care that adults provide.

Dr Bruce Perry

Kent Hoffman

If we want our children to be independent, to go out and take on the world, we have to give them full confidence that they can come back to us as needed. Autonomy and connection: That’s secure attachment.

Kent Hoffman

Susan Cole

With the help of educators, traumatized children can flourish in their school communities and master the educational tasks of childhood, despite their overwhelmingly stressful experiences.

Susan Cole

Leo Buscaglia

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

Leo Buscaglia

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